Why Persistent Insomnia and Other Sleep Problems Get Ignored Up to 70 million Americans have a sleep disorder such as chronic insomnia--and this condition and Over 40 million don't get properly treated or diagnosed, according to study published in the Some people may be unaware of sleep interruptions, and often, "patients do not bring their sleep to The interest of doctors because they don't think it's 'medical' or think they should tough it out," says Boston. To sleep medicine, and doctors might not routinely discuss sleep problems at office visits. A study in New patients about insomnia or other sleep difficulties, although many had signs of problems. Doctors Might also find it difficult to pinpoint which of the 60 sleep disorders is the culprit because symptoms May be unclear, and other illnesses and habits may affect rest. Provider can help rule out illnesses that can affect sleep, such as depression and overactive thyroid, And might be able to zero in...
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